Kelompok :
Ade Pratama (20208026)
Candra Dwi A.
Yoyon Suharyanto
Pengertian Etika Bisnis
November 23, 2010 6:50 am
Secara sederhana yang dimaksud dengan etika bisnis adalah cara-cara untuk melakukan kegiatan bisnis, yang mencakup seluruh aspek yang berkaitan dengan individu, perusahaan, industri dan juga masyarakat.
Kesemuanya ini mencakup bagaimana kita menjalankan bisnis secara adil, sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku, dan tidak tergantung pada kedudukan individu ataupun perusahaan di masyarakat.
Etika bisnis lebih luas dari ketentuan yang diatur oleh hukum, bahkan merupakan standar yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar minimal ketentuan hukum, karena dalam kegiatan bisnis seringkali kita temukan wilayah abu-abu yang tidak diatur oleh ketentuan hukum.
Von der Embse dan R.A. Wagley dalam artikelnya di Advance Managemen Jouurnal (1988), memberikan tiga pendekatan dasar dalam merumuskan tingkah laku etika bisnis, yaitu :
• Utilitarian Approach : setiap tindakan harus didasarkan pada konsekuensinya. Oleh karena itu, dalam bertindak seseorang seharusnya mengikuti cara-cara yang dapat memberi manfaat sebesar-besarnya kepada masyarakat, dengan cara yang tidak membahayakan dan dengan biaya serendah-rendahnya.
• Individual Rights Approach : setiap orang dalam tindakan dan kelakuannya memiliki hak dasar yang harus dihormati. Namun tindakan ataupun tingkah laku tersebut harus dihindari apabila diperkirakan akan menyebabkan terjadi benturan dengan hak orang lain.
• Justice Approach : para pembuat keputusan mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, dan bertindak adil dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan baik secara perseorangan ataupun secara kelompok.
Etika bisnis dalam perusahaan memiliki peran yang sangat penting, yaitu untuk membentuk suatu perusahaan yang kokoh dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi serta mempunyai kemampuan menciptakan nilai (value-creation) yang tinggi, diperlukan suatu landasan yang kokoh.
Biasanya dimulai dari perencanaan strategis , organisasi yang baik, sistem prosedur yang transparan didukung oleh budaya perusahaan yang andal serta etika perusahaan yang dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan konsekuen.
Haruslah diyakini bahwa pada dasarnya praktek etika bisnis akan selalu menguntungkan perusahaan baik untuk jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang, karena :
• Mampu mengurangi biaya akibat dicegahnya kemungkinan terjadinya friksi, baik intern perusahaan maupun dengan eksternal.
• Mampu meningkatkan motivasi pekerja.
• Melindungi prinsip kebebasan berniaga
• Mampu meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing.
Tidak bisa dipungkiri, tindakan yang tidak etis yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan akan memancing tindakan balasan dari konsumen dan masyarakat dan akan sangat kontra produktif, misalnya melalui gerakan pemboikotan, larangan beredar, larangan beroperasi dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini akan dapat menurunkan nilai penjualan maupun nilai perusahaan.
Sedangkan perusahaan yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai etika bisnis, pada umumnya termasuk perusahaan yang memiliki peringkat kepuasan bekerja yang tinggi pula, terutama apabila perusahaan tidak mentolerir tindakan yang tidak etis, misalnya diskriminasi dalam sistem remunerasi atau jenjang karier.
Perlu dipahami, karyawan yang berkualitas adalah aset yang paling berharga bagi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus semaksimal mungkin harus mempertahankan karyawannya.
Untuk memudahkan penerapan etika perusahaan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari maka nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam etika bisnis harus dituangkan kedalam manajemen korporasi yakni dengan cara :
• Menuangkan etika bisnis dalam suatu kode etik (code of conduct)
• Memperkuat sistem pengawasan
• Menyelenggarakan pelatihan (training) untuk karyawan secara terus menerus.
Menurut kamus, istilah etika memiliki beragam makna berbeda. Salah satu maknanya adalah “prinsip tingkah laku yang mengatur individu dan kelompok”. Makna kedua menurut kamus – lebih penting – etika adalah “kajian moralitas”.
Tapi meskipun etika berkaitan dengan moralitas, namun tidak sama persis dengan moralitas. Etika adalah semacam penelaahan, baik aktivitas penelaahan maupun hasil penelaahan itu sendiri, sedangkan moralitas merupakan subjek.
A. Moralitas
Moralitas adalah pedoman yang dimiliki individu atau kelompok mengenai apa itu benar dan salah, atau baik dan jahat. Pedoman moral mencakup norma-norma yang kita miliki mengenai jenis-jenis tindakan yang kita yakini benar atau salah secara moral, dan nilai-nilai yang kita terapkan pada objek-objek yang kita yakini secara moral baik atau secara moral buruk.
Norma moral seperti “selalu katakan kebenaran”, “membunuh orang tak berdosa itu salah”. Nilai-nilai moral biasanya diekspresikan sebagai pernyataan yang mendeskripsikan objek-objek atau ciri-ciri objek yang bernilai, semacam “kejujuran itu baik” dan “ketidakadilan itu buruk”. Standar moral pertama kali terserap ketika masa kanak-kanak dari keluarga, teman, pengaruh kemasyarakatan seperti gereja, sekolah, televisi, majalah, music dan perkumpulan.
Hakekat standar moral :
1. Standar moral berkaitan dengan persoalan yang kita anggap akan merugikan secara serius atau benar-benar akan menguntungkan manusia.
2. Standar moral tidak dapat ditetapkan atau diubah oleh keputusan dewan otoritatif tertentu.
3. Standar moral harus lebih diutamakan daripada nilai lain termasuk (khususnya) kepentingan diri.
4. Standar moral berdasarkan pada pertimbangan yang tidak memihak.
5. Standar moral diasosiasikan dengan emosi tertentu dan kosa kata tertentu.
Standar moral, dengan demikian, merupakan standar yang berkaitan dengan persoalan yang kita anggap mempunyai konsekuensi serius, didasarkan pada penalaran yang baik bukan otoritas, melampaui kepentingan diri, didasarkan pada pertimbangan yang tidak memihak, dan yang pelanggarannya diasosiasikan dengan perasaan bersalah dan malu dan dengan emosi dan kosa kata tertentu.
B. Etika
Etika merupakan ilmu yang mendalami standar moral perorangan dan standar moral masyarakat. Ia mempertanyakan bagaimana standar-standar diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan kita dan apakah standar itu masuk akal atau tidak masuk akal – standar, yaitu apakah didukung dengan penalaran yang bagus atau jelek.
Etika merupakan penelaahan standar moral, proses pemeriksaan standar moral orang atau masyarakat untuk menentukan apakah standar tersebut masuk akal atau tidak untuk diterapkan dalam situasi dan permasalahan konkrit. Tujuan akhir standar moral adalah mengembangkan bangunan standar moral yang kita rasa masuk akal untuk dianut.
Etika merupakan studi standar moral yang tujuan eksplisitnya adalah menentukan standar yang benar atau yang didukung oleh penalaran yang baik, dan dengan demikian etika mencoba mencapai kesimpulan tentang moral yang benar benar dan salah, dan moral yang baik dan jahat.
C. Etika Bisnis
Etika bisnis merupakan studi yang dikhususkan mengenai moral yang benar dan salah. Studi ini berkonsentrasi pada standar moral sebagaimana diterapkan dalam kebijakan, institusi, dan perilaku bisnis. Etika bisnis merupakan studi standar formal dan bagaimana standar itu diterapkan ke dalam system dan organisasi yang digunakan masyarakat modern untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan barang dan jasa dan diterapkan kepada orang-orang yang ada di dalam organisasi.
D. Penerapan Etika pada Organisasi Perusahaan
Dapatkan pengertian moral seperti tanggung jawab, perbuatan yang salah dan kewajiban diterapkan terhadap kelompok seperti perusahaan, ataukah pada orang (individu) sebagai perilaku moral yang nyata?
Ada dua pandangan yang muncul atas masalah ini :
• Ekstrem pertama, adalah pandangan yang berpendapat bahwa, karena aturan yang mengikat, organisasi memperbolehkan kita untuk mengatakan bahwa perusahaan bertindak seperti individu dan memiliki tujuan yang disengaja atas apa yang mereka lakukan, kita dapat mengatakan mereka bertanggung jawab secara moral untuk tindakan mereka dan bahwa tindakan mereka adalah bermoral atau tidak bermoral dalam pengertian yang sama yang dilakukan manusia.
• Ekstrem kedua, adalah pandangan filsuf yang berpendirian bahwa tidak masuk akal berpikir bahwa organisasi bisnis secara moral bertanggung jawab karena ia gagal mengikuti standar moral atau mengatakan bahwa organisasi memiliki kewajiban moral. Organisasi bisnis sama seperti mesin yang anggotanya harus secara membabi buta mentaati peraturan formal yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan moralitas. Akibatnya, lebih tidak masuk akal untuk menganggap organisasi bertanggung jawab secara moral karena ia gagal mengikuti standar moral daripada mengkritik organisasi seperti mesin yang gagal bertindak secara moral.
Karena itu, tindakan perusahaan berasal dari pilihan dan tindakan individu manusia, indivdu-individulah yang harus dipandang sebagai penjaga utama kewajiban moral dan tanggung jawab moral : individu manusia bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukan perusahaan karena tindakan perusahaan secara keseluruhan mengalir dari pilihan dan perilaku mereka. Jika perusahaan bertindak keliru, kekeliruan itu disebabkan oleh pilihan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh individu dalam perusahaan itu, jika perusahaan bertindak secara moral, hal itu disebabkan oleh pilihan individu dalam perusahaan bertindak secara bermoral.
E. Globalisasi, Perusahaan Multinasional dan Etika Bisnis
Globalisasi adalah proses yang meliputi seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan system ekonomi serta sosial negara-negara menjadi terhubung bersama, termasuk didalamnya barangbarang, jasa, modal, pengetahuan, dan peninggalan budaya yang diperdagangkan dan saling berpindah dari satu negara ke negara lain. Proses ini mempunyai beberapa komponen, termasuk didalamnya penurunan rintangan perdagangan dan munculnya pasar terbuka dunia, kreasi komunikasi global dan system transportasi seperti internet dan pelayaran global, perkembangan organisasi perdagangan dunia (WTO), bank dunia, IMF, dan lain sebagainya.
Perusahaan multinasional adalah inti dari proses globalisasi dan bertanggung jawab dalam transaksi internasional yang terjadi dewasa ini. Perusahaan multinasional adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang yang menghasilkan pemasaran, jasa atau operasi administrasi di beberapa negara. Perusahaan multinasional adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan produksi, pemasaran, jasa dan beroperasi di banyak negara yang berbeda.
Karena perusahaan multinasional ini beroperasi di banyak negara dengan ragam budaya dan standar yang berbeda, banyak klaim yang menyatakan bahwa beberapa perusahaan melanggar norma dan standar yang seharusnya tidak mereka lakukan.
F. Etika Bisnis dan Perbedaan Budaya
Relativisme etis adalah teori bahwa, karena masyarakat yang berbeda memiliki keyakinan etis yang berbeda. Apakah tindakan secara moral benar atau salah, tergantung kepada pandangan masyarakat itu.
Dengan kata lain, relativisme moral adalah pandangan bahwa tidak ada standar etis yang secara absolute benar dan yang diterapkan atau harus diterapkan terhadap perusahaan atau orang dari semua masyarakat.
Dalam penalaran moral seseorang, dia harus selalu mengikuti standar moral yang berlaku dalam masyarakat manapun dimana dia berada.
Pandangan lain dari kritikus relativisme etis yang berpendapat, bahwa ada standar moral tertentu yang harus diterima oleh anggota masyarakat manapun jika masyarakat itu akan terus berlangsung dan jika anggotanya ingin berinteraksi secara efektif.
Relativisme etis mengingatkan kita bahwa masyarakat yang berbeda memiliki keyakinan moral yang berbeda, dan kita hendaknya tidak secara sederhana mengabaikan keyakinan moral kebudayaanlain ketika mereka tidak sesuai dengan standar moral kita.
G. Teknologi dan Etika Bisnis
Teknologi yang berkembang di akhir dekade abad ke-20 mentransformasi masyarakat dan bisnis, dan menciptakan potensi problem etis baru. Yang paling mencolok adalah revolusi dalam bioteknologi dan teknologi informasi.
Teknologi menyebabkan beberapa perubahan radikal, seperti globalisasi yang berkembang pesat dan hilangnya jarak, kemampuan menemukan bentuk-bentuk kehidupan baru yang keuntungan dan resikonya tidak terprediksi.
Dengan perubahan cepat ini, organisasi bisnis berhadapan dengan setumpuk persoalan etis baru yang menarik.
1. Dasar Etika adalah Moral
Apa yang dimaksud dengan etika? Menurut kamus ada banyak arti dari etika diantaranya adalah :
o Prinsip – prinsip yang digunakan untuk mengatur prilaku individu atau kelompok
o Pelajaran tentang moral
Definisi Moralitas adalah : “Aturan-aturan yang dimiliki perorangan atau kelompok tentang apa-apa yang benar dan apa-apa yang salah, atau apa-apa yang baik dan yang jahat.”
Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan standar moral adalah :
“Norma-norma yang kita miliki tentang jenis-jenis tindakan yang kita percaya secara moral benar atau salah.”
2. Moral Lebih ke Arah Individu
Organisasi perusahaan akan eksis bila :“Ada individu – individu manusia dengan hubungan dan lingkungan tertentu.” Karena tindakan perusahaan dilakukan oleh pilihan dan tindakan individu-individu di dalamnya. Maka individu-individu tadi yang harus dilihat sebagai penghalang dan pelaksana utama dari tugas moral, tanggung jawab moral perusahaan.
Individu-individu manusia tadi bertanggung jawab pada apa yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan, karena tindakan perusahaan berlangsung karena pilihan-pilihan mereka dan prilaku individu-individu tadi. Sehingga perusahaan mempunyai tugas moral untuk melakukan sesuatu bila anggota perusahaan tersebut mempunyai tanggung jawab moral untuk melakukan sesuatu.
3. Pencapai Tetinggi dari Etika adalah Berorientasi pada Prinsip Etika Universal
Tingkat final, tindakan yang benar dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip moral karena logis, universality dan konsistensi. Universality artinya suara hati, di dalam istilah ESQ disebut anggukan universal yang mengacu kepada God Spot.
4. Kasus WorldCom dan Enron
4.1 Kasus WorldCom
Di dalam laporan keuangan WorldCom’s, Scott Sulivan memindahkan $ 400 juta dari reserved account ke “income”. Dia juga selama bertahun-tahun melaporkan trilyunan dolar biaya operasi sebagai “capital expenditure”.
Dia bisa melakukan ini dengan bantuan firm accounting dan auditor terkenal “Arthur Andersen”. Padahal Scott Sullivan, pernah mendapat penghargaan sebagai Best CFO oleh CFO Magazine tahun 1998.
4.2 Kasus Enron
Pada terbitan April 2001, majalah Fortune menjuluki Enron sebagai perusahaan paling innovative di Amerika “Most Innovative” dan menduduki peringkat 7 besar perusahaan di Amerika. Enam bulan kemudian (Desember 2001) Enron diumumkan bangkrut.
Kejadian ini dijuluki sebagai “Penipuan accounting terbesar di abad ke 20”. Dua belas ribu karyawan kehilangan pekerjaan. Pemegang saham-saham Enron kehilangan US$ 70 Trilyun dalam sekejap ketika nilai sahamnya turun menjadi nol.
Kejadian ini terjadi dengan memanfaatkan celah di bidang akuntansi. Andrew Fastow, Chief Financial officer bekerjasama dengan akuntan public Arthur Andersen, memanfaatkan celah di bidang akuntansi, yaitu dengan menggunakan “special purpose entity”, karena aturan accounting memperbolehkan perusahaan untuk tidak melaporkan keuangan special purpose entity bila ada pemilik saham independent dengan nilai minimum 3%.
Dengan special purpose entity tadi, kemudian meminjam uang ke bank dengan menggunakan jaminan saham Enron. Uang hasil pinjaman tadi digunakan untuk menghidupi bisnis Enron.
4.3 Bahasan Kasus
Dari kasus WorldCom’s dan Enron diatas, dapat diamati bahwa walaupun sudah ada aturan yang jelas mengatur system accounting, tetapi kalau manusia yang mengatur tadi tidak bermoral dan tidak beretika maka mereka akan memanfaatkan celah yang ada untuk kepentingan mereka
4.4 Pandangan Velasquez tentang Etika Bisnis di Arab Saudi
Menurut Velasquez, Arab Saudi adalah tempat kelahiran Islam, yang menggunakan landasan Islam Suni sebagai hukum, kebijakan dan system sosialnya.
Tetapi di Arab Saudi tidak dikenal “basic right” (keadilan dasar, seperti tidak ada demokrasi, tidak ada kebebasan berbicara, tidak ada kebebasan pers, tidak mengenal peradilan dengan system juri, tidak mengenal kebebasan beragama dan diskriminasi terhadap wanita. Sehingga menurut Velasquez, di Arab Saudi tidak mengenal hak azazi manusia.
~ Terimakasih ~
Selasa, 01 November 2011
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
NPM : 20208026
1. Direct to Inderect
a. Direct : Vela said,” I can make a cake”
Inderect : Vela said that she could make a cake
b. Direct : Ani said,” I’m washing your clothes”
Inderect : Aini saud that she was washing my clothes
c. Direct : Dina said,” I chose this ring for my mother”
Inderect : Dina said that she had chosen that ring for here mother
d. Direct : Akbar said,” I will call you later”
Inderect :Akbar said that he would call me later
e. Direct : Ida said,” I will teach you”
Inderect : Ida said that she would teach me
2. Inderect to Direct
a. Inderect : Father said that I was still an SMP student
Direct : father said,” you are still on SMP student”
b. Inderect : Mother said that she always cared me
Direct : Mother said,” I always care you”
c. Inderect : yusuf said that I had to practice my English
Direct : yusuf said,” you must practice your English”
d. Inderect : Dechriz said that they had `watched that film
Direct : Dechriz said,” We have watched that film”
e. Inderect : Pezek said that he never wanted to be late
Direct : Pezek said,” I never want to be late”
NPM : 20208026
1. Direct to Inderect
a. Direct : Vela said,” I can make a cake”
Inderect : Vela said that she could make a cake
b. Direct : Ani said,” I’m washing your clothes”
Inderect : Aini saud that she was washing my clothes
c. Direct : Dina said,” I chose this ring for my mother”
Inderect : Dina said that she had chosen that ring for here mother
d. Direct : Akbar said,” I will call you later”
Inderect :Akbar said that he would call me later
e. Direct : Ida said,” I will teach you”
Inderect : Ida said that she would teach me
2. Inderect to Direct
a. Inderect : Father said that I was still an SMP student
Direct : father said,” you are still on SMP student”
b. Inderect : Mother said that she always cared me
Direct : Mother said,” I always care you”
c. Inderect : yusuf said that I had to practice my English
Direct : yusuf said,” you must practice your English”
d. Inderect : Dechriz said that they had `watched that film
Direct : Dechriz said,” We have watched that film”
e. Inderect : Pezek said that he never wanted to be late
Direct : Pezek said,” I never want to be late”
Kamis, 14 April 2011
perbedaan TOEFL dan TOEIC
Nama : Ade Pratama
Npm : 20208026
Kelas : 3eb06
Any Kind of Difference of TOEFL and TOEIC..
TOEIC represent abbreviation from Test of English for International Communication. This Test is designed to those who his mother tongue non English.. Assess TOEIC show how far the somebody able to communicate with others in English in era of this globalization. This Tes do not need special vocabulary or knowledge. this test only measure English-speaking ability used in everyday activity.
TOEFL is abbreviation of Test of English ace Foreign Language. In short that toefl is to know Your ability is English-speaking! Just modestly
Organizer of this TOEFL is a institute of nirlaba centering in New York there, that is ETS ( Educational Testing Vice). this organizer Toefl confess that this result tes is trusted more than 6,000 institution in 110 state. Their intention: follow this tes, because us have trustworthy. just May be Your is of ability Ianguage of Your english in place Your parent in law for example, but just free;useless yes but result of its test is non-recognition by one who oblige You tes for example your office.
This time divisible toefl become 2 form: internet-based and paper-based. His intention which is one us of ngerjainnya of in front of computer which incircuit internet, what is one again use paper and pencil 2B.
TOEFL, GRE, SAT And TOEIC represent product tes released by ETS ( Educational Testing Service) centering in ACE and have operated more than 40 year.
During the time the product test ability of English from most popular ETS in Indonesia is TOEFL ( Test of English of Ace of Foreign Language). But, the tes TOEFL is in fact designed for academic namely just the just for who is which wish to continue study to ACE and North America. During the time, circle of company in Indonesia even also follow to install score of TOEFL as conditions of employees.
use of Score of TOEFL for the world work really less be effective. Therefore, is later;then happened by tren from company meaning to recruit employees to change over to TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication). TOEIC have been carried out by ETS of during 25 year in all the world " In Indonesia tes TOEIC start introduced in the year 1999," word of Julivan E. Rondonuwu from PT International Test Center, delegation of ETS in Indonesia.
TOEIC represent English-speaking tes membership for the people who its mother tongue non English. Tes TOEIC can measure English-speaking ability for the laboring individual in international environment in all day long his.
His values show how well one can communicate in English individually is other in berbisnis,dagang and industrial. This Test do not need special knowledge or the term which is not common such as those which there are in tes TOEFL.
Therefore, compared to by easier items tes TOEIC of tes TOEFL of because only represent tes of double helix of during 2 of clock which divided into the session listen and the session read.
Therefore tes TOEIC looked into compatible for employees or staff using English in his environment like business, hotel, hospital, restaurant, international meeting, have conference and athletic even. That way also the management staff, sales and employees of technique in international business, commerce and industry requiring English in their work.
Score of TOEIC started from number 400 till 990. There is six level namely level 0/0+ Novice ( score 10-250), level 1 Elementary ( score 255-400), level 1+ Intermediate ( score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency ( score 605-780), level 2+ Advance of Working Profiency ( score 785-900) and level 3/3+ General Professional Proficiency ( score 905-990).
A ordinary employees candidate minimize have to own score TOEIC of equal to 400. For a while a minimum manager candidate have to own score TOEIC of equal to 800.
Somebody owning score of TOEIC 405-600 , for example, in listening able to understand clarification of related to everyday routine duty , understanding announcement of during on the way and after conversation of social limited. In the case of conversing able to explain responsibility of kerj adan of academic background and also do discussion of about project in the past and a period of coming. While in the case of reading still require dictionary to comprehend technique document. And last in the case of writing one who own level of that intermediate able to write short memo, letter complain and fill form of simple application.
A lot of institute or company asking for carrying out of TOEIC to recruit, promoting, or placing his employees. TOEIC also very be of benefit to job searcher or university grad which wish to equip their [LIMITED PARTNER, CV], also just the just for who is which wish to test ability communicate in English.
TOEIC And TOEFL designed for the purpose of different. TOEFL addressed for the student or student which wish to continue his study in United States and Canada. While TOEIC addressed for the man who his mother tongue non English and wish to show ability communicate in English in world work and take a hand in globalization.
But, there are some matter which require to be underlined. One of them is assessment TOEFL standard used by each unegual place. So that, cannot be made by a especial directive to equalize TOEFL of among the A with the B. Cause, it is possible that their ability is of equal, just to only mount regional assessment of test one otherly differ.
Therefore, now expand discourse of about TOEIC using compatibility of international standard. If beyond the sea, TOIEC have very popular. Its proof, from existing data, really this tes have been used by about 10.000 company in world. Possible, it is possible that because besides have international standard to, also TOEIC which is have been there since 1979. So that, higher levelnya even also compared to by TOEFL test.
Test Of English as a Foreign Language Test Of English as an International Communication
Target Evaluating English ability for the man who pursue academic education ( bursary). Evaluating English ability for the global workplace ( international).
especial usefulness for company. For the School / Program English, especially in area akademik.
other usefulness For the School / Program English, especially [in] business area. For Institution of higher level education.
Competitor Tes. Worker of international company , Vocational student / trade school of college and , Student in business band program English Student in English educational,Student needing Ianguage condition English , Applicant of at program of bursary and student transfer
Wearer Result of Test.
• Manager Training.
• Manager HR.
• Recruiter of Worker
• School program English.
• Program / English school.
• Director of program of toll of student and student transfer.
• student
Source : :
Npm : 20208026
Kelas : 3eb06
Any Kind of Difference of TOEFL and TOEIC..
TOEIC represent abbreviation from Test of English for International Communication. This Test is designed to those who his mother tongue non English.. Assess TOEIC show how far the somebody able to communicate with others in English in era of this globalization. This Tes do not need special vocabulary or knowledge. this test only measure English-speaking ability used in everyday activity.
TOEFL is abbreviation of Test of English ace Foreign Language. In short that toefl is to know Your ability is English-speaking! Just modestly
Organizer of this TOEFL is a institute of nirlaba centering in New York there, that is ETS ( Educational Testing Vice). this organizer Toefl confess that this result tes is trusted more than 6,000 institution in 110 state. Their intention: follow this tes, because us have trustworthy. just May be Your is of ability Ianguage of Your english in place Your parent in law for example, but just free;useless yes but result of its test is non-recognition by one who oblige You tes for example your office.
This time divisible toefl become 2 form: internet-based and paper-based. His intention which is one us of ngerjainnya of in front of computer which incircuit internet, what is one again use paper and pencil 2B.
TOEFL, GRE, SAT And TOEIC represent product tes released by ETS ( Educational Testing Service) centering in ACE and have operated more than 40 year.
During the time the product test ability of English from most popular ETS in Indonesia is TOEFL ( Test of English of Ace of Foreign Language). But, the tes TOEFL is in fact designed for academic namely just the just for who is which wish to continue study to ACE and North America. During the time, circle of company in Indonesia even also follow to install score of TOEFL as conditions of employees.
use of Score of TOEFL for the world work really less be effective. Therefore, is later;then happened by tren from company meaning to recruit employees to change over to TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication). TOEIC have been carried out by ETS of during 25 year in all the world " In Indonesia tes TOEIC start introduced in the year 1999," word of Julivan E. Rondonuwu from PT International Test Center, delegation of ETS in Indonesia.
TOEIC represent English-speaking tes membership for the people who its mother tongue non English. Tes TOEIC can measure English-speaking ability for the laboring individual in international environment in all day long his.
His values show how well one can communicate in English individually is other in berbisnis,dagang and industrial. This Test do not need special knowledge or the term which is not common such as those which there are in tes TOEFL.
Therefore, compared to by easier items tes TOEIC of tes TOEFL of because only represent tes of double helix of during 2 of clock which divided into the session listen and the session read.
Therefore tes TOEIC looked into compatible for employees or staff using English in his environment like business, hotel, hospital, restaurant, international meeting, have conference and athletic even. That way also the management staff, sales and employees of technique in international business, commerce and industry requiring English in their work.
Score of TOEIC started from number 400 till 990. There is six level namely level 0/0+ Novice ( score 10-250), level 1 Elementary ( score 255-400), level 1+ Intermediate ( score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency ( score 605-780), level 2+ Advance of Working Profiency ( score 785-900) and level 3/3+ General Professional Proficiency ( score 905-990).
A ordinary employees candidate minimize have to own score TOEIC of equal to 400. For a while a minimum manager candidate have to own score TOEIC of equal to 800.
Somebody owning score of TOEIC 405-600 , for example, in listening able to understand clarification of related to everyday routine duty , understanding announcement of during on the way and after conversation of social limited. In the case of conversing able to explain responsibility of kerj adan of academic background and also do discussion of about project in the past and a period of coming. While in the case of reading still require dictionary to comprehend technique document. And last in the case of writing one who own level of that intermediate able to write short memo, letter complain and fill form of simple application.
A lot of institute or company asking for carrying out of TOEIC to recruit, promoting, or placing his employees. TOEIC also very be of benefit to job searcher or university grad which wish to equip their [LIMITED PARTNER, CV], also just the just for who is which wish to test ability communicate in English.
TOEIC And TOEFL designed for the purpose of different. TOEFL addressed for the student or student which wish to continue his study in United States and Canada. While TOEIC addressed for the man who his mother tongue non English and wish to show ability communicate in English in world work and take a hand in globalization.
But, there are some matter which require to be underlined. One of them is assessment TOEFL standard used by each unegual place. So that, cannot be made by a especial directive to equalize TOEFL of among the A with the B. Cause, it is possible that their ability is of equal, just to only mount regional assessment of test one otherly differ.
Therefore, now expand discourse of about TOEIC using compatibility of international standard. If beyond the sea, TOIEC have very popular. Its proof, from existing data, really this tes have been used by about 10.000 company in world. Possible, it is possible that because besides have international standard to, also TOEIC which is have been there since 1979. So that, higher levelnya even also compared to by TOEFL test.
Test Of English as a Foreign Language Test Of English as an International Communication
Target Evaluating English ability for the man who pursue academic education ( bursary). Evaluating English ability for the global workplace ( international).
especial usefulness for company. For the School / Program English, especially in area akademik.
other usefulness For the School / Program English, especially [in] business area. For Institution of higher level education.
Competitor Tes. Worker of international company , Vocational student / trade school of college and , Student in business band program English Student in English educational,Student needing Ianguage condition English , Applicant of at program of bursary and student transfer
Wearer Result of Test.
• Manager Training.
• Manager HR.
• Recruiter of Worker
• School program English.
• Program / English school.
• Director of program of toll of student and student transfer.
• student
Source : :
Kamis, 24 Maret 2011
NAMA : Ade Pratama
NPM : 20208026
Text for number 1-3
I’m Ade. My house is big. It is number forty one. It has a big living room. There is a big sofa, an aquarium, a cupboard, and a table in it. My father meets his guest there. I put my bike in the garage. My mother usually cooks in the kitchen.
1. A : How is Ade’s house ?
B : It is …..
a. Small
b. Clean
c. Good
d. Big
Answer ; D
2. A : What number is her house ?
B : It is number …..
a. Forty one
b. Forty two
c. Forty three
d. Forty four
Answer ; A
3. A : Is her mother cooking in the kitchen ?
B : Yes, ……..
a. He is
b. He isn’t
c. She is
d. She isn’t
Answer : C
Text for number 4-6
Going Everywhere By Vehicle
My name is Bide. I go to school by my bicycle. My brother goes to campus by his motorcycle. My father goes to the office by his car. My mother goes to the market by sister goes to the hospital by taxi. My family goes to Jakarta by plane. I go picnic by bus. My cousin “ Tio” goes to semarang by train. Rio goes around the park by cart. So, everybody needs vehicle for going everywhere.
4. How does Bide go to school ?
She goes to school by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Car
c. Cart
d. Motorcycle
Answer ; A
5. How does her brother go to campus ?
He goes to campus by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Motorcycle
c. Car
d. Cart
Answer : B
6. How does Tio go to semarang ?
He goes to semarang by ……….
a. Plane
b. Bus
c. Train
d. Bicyle
Answer : C
Text for number 7-8
Bobby’s Family Like Fruits
I’m Bobby. I am an elementary school student. I am in the third grade. My family likes fruit very much. My family always eat fruits everyday. My father likes banana. My mother likes papaya. My brother “ Bimo “ Like grape. He usually buys grape with my mother in the supermarket. My sister ‘ Bela” Likes Apple. My favorite fruit is Orange. Orange contains of a lot of vitamin C. it is good my body. Eating fruit makes our body healthy.
7. Is bobby is student ?
Yes, ………
a. He is
b. She is
c. He isn’t
d. She isn’t
Answer : A
8. Do his family like fruits ?
….. they do.
a. Yes
b. Yes it is
c. No he does
d. No
Answer : A
Text for number 9-10
My name is Olga. I sleep in my bedroom and take a bath in the bathroom. I put my clothes in the cupboard. My house is number forty three. I go to school by my bicycle. My favorite fruit is grape and apple. I dislike a starfruit.
9. A : What is her favorite fruit ?
B : her favorite fruit is ….
a. Apple
b. Orange
c. Avocado
d. Jackfruit
Answer : A
10. Olga does not like a ….
a. Orange
b. Grape
c. Apple
d. Starfruit
Answer : D
NPM : 20208026
Text for number 1-3
I’m Ade. My house is big. It is number forty one. It has a big living room. There is a big sofa, an aquarium, a cupboard, and a table in it. My father meets his guest there. I put my bike in the garage. My mother usually cooks in the kitchen.
1. A : How is Ade’s house ?
B : It is …..
a. Small
b. Clean
c. Good
d. Big
Answer ; D
2. A : What number is her house ?
B : It is number …..
a. Forty one
b. Forty two
c. Forty three
d. Forty four
Answer ; A
3. A : Is her mother cooking in the kitchen ?
B : Yes, ……..
a. He is
b. He isn’t
c. She is
d. She isn’t
Answer : C
Text for number 4-6
Going Everywhere By Vehicle
My name is Bide. I go to school by my bicycle. My brother goes to campus by his motorcycle. My father goes to the office by his car. My mother goes to the market by sister goes to the hospital by taxi. My family goes to Jakarta by plane. I go picnic by bus. My cousin “ Tio” goes to semarang by train. Rio goes around the park by cart. So, everybody needs vehicle for going everywhere.
4. How does Bide go to school ?
She goes to school by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Car
c. Cart
d. Motorcycle
Answer ; A
5. How does her brother go to campus ?
He goes to campus by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Motorcycle
c. Car
d. Cart
Answer : B
6. How does Tio go to semarang ?
He goes to semarang by ……….
a. Plane
b. Bus
c. Train
d. Bicyle
Answer : C
Text for number 7-8
Bobby’s Family Like Fruits
I’m Bobby. I am an elementary school student. I am in the third grade. My family likes fruit very much. My family always eat fruits everyday. My father likes banana. My mother likes papaya. My brother “ Bimo “ Like grape. He usually buys grape with my mother in the supermarket. My sister ‘ Bela” Likes Apple. My favorite fruit is Orange. Orange contains of a lot of vitamin C. it is good my body. Eating fruit makes our body healthy.
7. Is bobby is student ?
Yes, ………
a. He is
b. She is
c. He isn’t
d. She isn’t
Answer : A
8. Do his family like fruits ?
….. they do.
a. Yes
b. Yes it is
c. No he does
d. No
Answer : A
Text for number 9-10
My name is Olga. I sleep in my bedroom and take a bath in the bathroom. I put my clothes in the cupboard. My house is number forty three. I go to school by my bicycle. My favorite fruit is grape and apple. I dislike a starfruit.
9. A : What is her favorite fruit ?
B : her favorite fruit is ….
a. Apple
b. Orange
c. Avocado
d. Jackfruit
Answer : A
10. Olga does not like a ….
a. Orange
b. Grape
c. Apple
d. Starfruit
Answer : D
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Nama : Ade Pratama
NPM : 20208026
Kelas : 3EB06
1. “If you took the clothes to laundry shirt now, they….
a) have washed
b) have been washed
c) has been washed
d) would be washed
Answer: d) would be washed
2. Taya : “Are you sure that you’ll get the oposition ?
Nit : Unless my application …. I’ll get it
a) is rejected
c) have rejected
b) they rejected
d) if you rejected
Answer: a) is rejected
3. “Will you come to the Office ?”
“If you come, I …..”
a) think
b) will
c) they
d) are
Answer: b) will
4. “Your drawing was very beautifull girl”
“ I could have done better. If I …more time.”
a) have have
b) had has
c) had had
d) has has
Answer: c) had had
5. Wahyu : Why aren’t you driving your car tommorow ?
Chriz : ……
a) it’s repaired
b) it will be repaired
c) it has been repaird
d) it’s being repaired
Answer: d) it’s being repaired
6. Brahma : I’ve passed my written test in play Basketball club . What’s coming next ?
Brahmana : Next you …. by the manager.
a) will shoot
b) will be shooting
c) will Shooting
d) will have Dribble
Answer: c) will be Shooting
7. The Couse is officially opened by the Governon at 19.00 am. The House :”….
a) good morning
c) good afternoon
b) good evening
d) good night
Answer: d) good night
8. Andre: May I wish a glass of juice
Dimas: Okay, I will get two to you
Andre: Thank you.
Dimas : …..
a) Thank You
b) no,I’m not
c) You’re welcome
d) yes, I like
Answer: c) you’re welcome
9. Rahmat wants to introduce juan to her brother.
rahmat: Juan, this my brother, Dadang. And Dadang this is Juan.
Dadang to Juan: ….
a) Hi, nice
b) Hi, nice to meet you to
c) Hi, I’m fine
d) I like it
Answer: b) Hi, nice to meet you
10. Romo meets Rina, his girl friend. At the garden.
Romo : Fancy meeting you here. How’s everything with you ?
Rina : …..., thanks.
a) have done well
b) I’m fine
c) I’m dissapointed
d) I’m very ungry
Answer: b) I’m fine
11. Porter : Ticket, please
Joy : Here you are two for three
Porter : How old is your son ?
Joy : one years
Porter : Okay, actually it’s half-rate for children under five
Joy : Thank you ….
Porter : Don’t mention it.
The correct sentence for above conversation is…..
a) No thanks
b) Thank you
c) No body
d) You’re Thank you
Answer: b) Thank you
12. Rama : May I help you ?
Rooney : Yes, may I give tissue
Rama : Ok, don’t worry
Rooney : ……
The correct sentence for above conversation is …..
a) I think so
b) don’t worry
c) I don’t know
d) thank you
Answer: d) thank you
13. Ronaldo : I don’t see your mother yesterday ?
Kaka : Yes, She was sick become he live at home
Ronaldo : …..
a) I must apologize for what I said
b) don’t like
c) oh no
d) you’re welcome
Answer: a) I must apologize for what I said
14. The synonym “girl” is ?
a) man c) beautifful
b) sister d) brother
Answer: c) beautifful
15.The anthonym “water” is ?
a) glass c) soft
b) fire d) hard
Answer: b) fire
1. He have playing Football (present perfect tense)
Answer : b) have = has
2. I going to library yesterday ( Simple present tense)
Answer : a) going = go
3. you can help you ?
Answer: d) you = me
4. We if been playing bassketballl for fiveyears (present perfect continuous tense)
Answer : a) if been = have been
5. Mamat go to Bali Yesterday. (simple past tense)
Answer : d) yesterday=tommorow
6. The Boy had been live in Semarang ( Past Perfect Continuous tense )
Answer : c) live = living
7. He went come if you ask him (Future Tense)
Answer : b) went = will
8. I am go to watch the news. (future tense)
Answer : b) go = going
9. Tommorow Baba had had breakfast, he went to Govermant
Answer : a) Tommorow = after
10. Next November, Pasha will have graduating from school ( Future Perfect Tense)
Answer : d) graduating = graduated
NPM : 20208026
Kelas : 3EB06
1. “If you took the clothes to laundry shirt now, they….
a) have washed
b) have been washed
c) has been washed
d) would be washed
Answer: d) would be washed
2. Taya : “Are you sure that you’ll get the oposition ?
Nit : Unless my application …. I’ll get it
a) is rejected
c) have rejected
b) they rejected
d) if you rejected
Answer: a) is rejected
3. “Will you come to the Office ?”
“If you come, I …..”
a) think
b) will
c) they
d) are
Answer: b) will
4. “Your drawing was very beautifull girl”
“ I could have done better. If I …more time.”
a) have have
b) had has
c) had had
d) has has
Answer: c) had had
5. Wahyu : Why aren’t you driving your car tommorow ?
Chriz : ……
a) it’s repaired
b) it will be repaired
c) it has been repaird
d) it’s being repaired
Answer: d) it’s being repaired
6. Brahma : I’ve passed my written test in play Basketball club . What’s coming next ?
Brahmana : Next you …. by the manager.
a) will shoot
b) will be shooting
c) will Shooting
d) will have Dribble
Answer: c) will be Shooting
7. The Couse is officially opened by the Governon at 19.00 am. The House :”….
a) good morning
c) good afternoon
b) good evening
d) good night
Answer: d) good night
8. Andre: May I wish a glass of juice
Dimas: Okay, I will get two to you
Andre: Thank you.
Dimas : …..
a) Thank You
b) no,I’m not
c) You’re welcome
d) yes, I like
Answer: c) you’re welcome
9. Rahmat wants to introduce juan to her brother.
rahmat: Juan, this my brother, Dadang. And Dadang this is Juan.
Dadang to Juan: ….
a) Hi, nice
b) Hi, nice to meet you to
c) Hi, I’m fine
d) I like it
Answer: b) Hi, nice to meet you
10. Romo meets Rina, his girl friend. At the garden.
Romo : Fancy meeting you here. How’s everything with you ?
Rina : …..., thanks.
a) have done well
b) I’m fine
c) I’m dissapointed
d) I’m very ungry
Answer: b) I’m fine
11. Porter : Ticket, please
Joy : Here you are two for three
Porter : How old is your son ?
Joy : one years
Porter : Okay, actually it’s half-rate for children under five
Joy : Thank you ….
Porter : Don’t mention it.
The correct sentence for above conversation is…..
a) No thanks
b) Thank you
c) No body
d) You’re Thank you
Answer: b) Thank you
12. Rama : May I help you ?
Rooney : Yes, may I give tissue
Rama : Ok, don’t worry
Rooney : ……
The correct sentence for above conversation is …..
a) I think so
b) don’t worry
c) I don’t know
d) thank you
Answer: d) thank you
13. Ronaldo : I don’t see your mother yesterday ?
Kaka : Yes, She was sick become he live at home
Ronaldo : …..
a) I must apologize for what I said
b) don’t like
c) oh no
d) you’re welcome
Answer: a) I must apologize for what I said
14. The synonym “girl” is ?
a) man c) beautifful
b) sister d) brother
Answer: c) beautifful
15.The anthonym “water” is ?
a) glass c) soft
b) fire d) hard
Answer: b) fire
1. He have playing Football (present perfect tense)
Answer : b) have = has
2. I going to library yesterday ( Simple present tense)
Answer : a) going = go
3. you can help you ?
Answer: d) you = me
4. We if been playing bassketballl for fiveyears (present perfect continuous tense)
Answer : a) if been = have been
5. Mamat go to Bali Yesterday. (simple past tense)
Answer : d) yesterday=tommorow
6. The Boy had been live in Semarang ( Past Perfect Continuous tense )
Answer : c) live = living
7. He went come if you ask him (Future Tense)
Answer : b) went = will
8. I am go to watch the news. (future tense)
Answer : b) go = going
9. Tommorow Baba had had breakfast, he went to Govermant
Answer : a) Tommorow = after
10. Next November, Pasha will have graduating from school ( Future Perfect Tense)
Answer : d) graduating = graduated
Senin, 10 Januari 2011
Noise of Cup of AFF 2010
hilarity of Cup of AFF of 2010 this very hilarious once, particularly for Indonesia society. Besides because phase of exclusion of group in performing in Indonesia but also because game timnas of very good Indonesia and enough amuse, in adding again attendedly it him player of naturalization of like Irfan Bachdim and Christian Gonzalez.
early from semi final of where Indonesia able to win 5-1 versus Malaysia, which of next contest of versus of weak team of Laos of Timnas of Indonesia of can win to assure with score 6-0, even at next contest of versus of team of tiger of asia of south-east of Thailand which in fact have do not determine again for Indonesia of because have ascertained to get away to semifinal act as champion of grup of Indonesia remain to play good and finally able to defeat Thailand with flimsy score 2-1 at one blow make Thailand which also become to exeed in cup of this AFF have to be got away from by play two this annual. making the spirit of all player is enthusiastic of audience supporting them of no ending and zestful and just not wish to dedicate champion for all Indonesia people.
At semi final party of Indonesia come in contact with black horse team of philipines capable to remove favorite Singapore team and get away with Vietnam which come up as defensive champion. And the semi final party is which ought to in conducting through its all these system home and away conducted in Indonesia because philipines don’t own second international stadium so that the executed semi final party in Indonesia.
And in two that semi final party is Indonesia able to win with aggregate 2-0 through two goal of player of naturalization of Christian Gonzalez,but philipines is even also strenghtened by Nine player of naturalization but the Indonesia able to play at better and finally able to get away to final act, all audience and entire people of Indonesia greet it pretenaturally and the high pride to timnas of Indonesia
Indonesia even also get away to final party to look out on to return by Malaysia is which is at semi final party previously can defeat defensive champion of Vietnam with this aggregate even also use system home and away of where Indonesia have to play at ahead in Malaysia that is in bukit jalil stadium. Blessing play at in cage by xself and the attitude is not sportsmanlike all his audience using laser ray of Malaysia even also able to defeat Indonesia with score 3-0 played atly is not sportsmanlike and Malaysia improper to win.
At second semi final party in Jakarta of fanatism of supporter of Indonesia progressively increase, they even until have pressure to from morning until the nighttime to get final ticket. At party of second final of Indonesia able to win 2-1 but fail champion in because failing aggregate 4-2, but result of that remain to make all supporter remain to proud of game of timnas Indonesia, good luck of Indonesia…..
early from semi final of where Indonesia able to win 5-1 versus Malaysia, which of next contest of versus of weak team of Laos of Timnas of Indonesia of can win to assure with score 6-0, even at next contest of versus of team of tiger of asia of south-east of Thailand which in fact have do not determine again for Indonesia of because have ascertained to get away to semifinal act as champion of grup of Indonesia remain to play good and finally able to defeat Thailand with flimsy score 2-1 at one blow make Thailand which also become to exeed in cup of this AFF have to be got away from by play two this annual. making the spirit of all player is enthusiastic of audience supporting them of no ending and zestful and just not wish to dedicate champion for all Indonesia people.
At semi final party of Indonesia come in contact with black horse team of philipines capable to remove favorite Singapore team and get away with Vietnam which come up as defensive champion. And the semi final party is which ought to in conducting through its all these system home and away conducted in Indonesia because philipines don’t own second international stadium so that the executed semi final party in Indonesia.
And in two that semi final party is Indonesia able to win with aggregate 2-0 through two goal of player of naturalization of Christian Gonzalez,but philipines is even also strenghtened by Nine player of naturalization but the Indonesia able to play at better and finally able to get away to final act, all audience and entire people of Indonesia greet it pretenaturally and the high pride to timnas of Indonesia
Indonesia even also get away to final party to look out on to return by Malaysia is which is at semi final party previously can defeat defensive champion of Vietnam with this aggregate even also use system home and away of where Indonesia have to play at ahead in Malaysia that is in bukit jalil stadium. Blessing play at in cage by xself and the attitude is not sportsmanlike all his audience using laser ray of Malaysia even also able to defeat Indonesia with score 3-0 played atly is not sportsmanlike and Malaysia improper to win.
At second semi final party in Jakarta of fanatism of supporter of Indonesia progressively increase, they even until have pressure to from morning until the nighttime to get final ticket. At party of second final of Indonesia able to win 2-1 but fail champion in because failing aggregate 4-2, but result of that remain to make all supporter remain to proud of game of timnas Indonesia, good luck of Indonesia…..
Is created For me.
Staring at to respect of smile in yours face.
Making is kept quiet and fetched up all standing.
Understand will attend of love respected.
Yours moment embrace amicable of my body.
A lot of word which do not I able to lay open, to yours x'self. ….
I wish thou always.
Attend and accompanies I.
In each;every step believing I.
You is created for me.
Even the time will be able to.
Calling entire/all my soul.
I wish you know
I always yours property.
loving you.
As long as my life
Making is kept quiet and fetched up all standing.
Understand will attend of love respected.
Yours moment embrace amicable of my body.
A lot of word which do not I able to lay open, to yours x'self. ….
I wish thou always.
Attend and accompanies I.
In each;every step believing I.
You is created for me.
Even the time will be able to.
Calling entire/all my soul.
I wish you know
I always yours property.
loving you.
As long as my life
Trust in
I do not what I feel
At heart…
moment first time see your ream, see your ream
Entire is fetched up all standing and mute.
my Heart tick, palpitating to hung in the balance.
Likely I, do not willing to elapse. ….
Give yours love also yours darling trust in, me will take care of you.
is final till the time fetch I.
I give my love also my darling trust in me,me will take care of you.
is final till the time fetch I.
My moment is yours tau will go far permit I to always wait you.
To tell I wish yours x'self. …
In order to you knowing of how me too love you, I will await.
Till yours x'self return for me …
At heart…
moment first time see your ream, see your ream
Entire is fetched up all standing and mute.
my Heart tick, palpitating to hung in the balance.
Likely I, do not willing to elapse. ….
Give yours love also yours darling trust in, me will take care of you.
is final till the time fetch I.
I give my love also my darling trust in me,me will take care of you.
is final till the time fetch I.
My moment is yours tau will go far permit I to always wait you.
To tell I wish yours x'self. …
In order to you knowing of how me too love you, I will await.
Till yours x'self return for me …
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
I very take a fancy to song- song of UNGU Band because song- song which is by Pasha,Enda,Oncy,Makki, and this Rowman is very touching. liver, peep at his lyric is which very good make I very idol of this band.
they give name of this band is UNGU Initially them from different band, coincidence often practice in same studio. But nope merely in their studio. is fun, but to small podium also to event of pensi school. And is finally formed by a UNGU band of Indonesia music.
this UNGU Band also start serious in experiencing his career about year 2000, but guitarist from this UNGU band also start to join in the year 2002. Surely more knowledgeable with the title ONCY. We also more recognize guitarist which is one this at the time of he become guitarist also in funky corporal agree friend???
Unload personnel tide?
Might not can be spelled out members to [by] unload personnel tide…. Just only (it) is true at that time the UNGU personnel come from band which different each other, become no wonder if in the end they return again to band of his origin. Then in the year 2000, UNGU have personnel remain to that is PASHA ( vowel), ENDA ( guitar), MAKKI ( bass) and ROWMAN ( drum). ONCY ( new gitar) joint forces with UNGU after our first album is year 2002.
LAGUKU, UNGU maiden album?
LAGUKU is first album of UNGU which of date of 6 July 2002. But previously, UNGU follow to fill 2 song in album of kompilasi CLICK with Lakuna, Borneo, Picnic And Energy. 2 the song is Ambition and Flower. 2 of this song also later lah trigger the spirit of UNGU to own album by xself
After album LAGUKU?
Nope the number! First is we like because finally have album. Second of because first single " Bayang Semu" becoming ost. sinetron ABG which by then display in RCTI able to bring UNGU circle to various town in Indonesia. During the year that, UNGU come up almost 100 podium
And after delivering birth nya of first album, emerge UNGU album later on and non-stoped to expand up to moment ,UNGU very good
they give name of this band is UNGU Initially them from different band, coincidence often practice in same studio. But nope merely in their studio. is fun, but to small podium also to event of pensi school. And is finally formed by a UNGU band of Indonesia music.
this UNGU Band also start serious in experiencing his career about year 2000, but guitarist from this UNGU band also start to join in the year 2002. Surely more knowledgeable with the title ONCY. We also more recognize guitarist which is one this at the time of he become guitarist also in funky corporal agree friend???
Unload personnel tide?
Might not can be spelled out members to [by] unload personnel tide…. Just only (it) is true at that time the UNGU personnel come from band which different each other, become no wonder if in the end they return again to band of his origin. Then in the year 2000, UNGU have personnel remain to that is PASHA ( vowel), ENDA ( guitar), MAKKI ( bass) and ROWMAN ( drum). ONCY ( new gitar) joint forces with UNGU after our first album is year 2002.
LAGUKU, UNGU maiden album?
LAGUKU is first album of UNGU which of date of 6 July 2002. But previously, UNGU follow to fill 2 song in album of kompilasi CLICK with Lakuna, Borneo, Picnic And Energy. 2 the song is Ambition and Flower. 2 of this song also later lah trigger the spirit of UNGU to own album by xself
After album LAGUKU?
Nope the number! First is we like because finally have album. Second of because first single " Bayang Semu" becoming ost. sinetron ABG which by then display in RCTI able to bring UNGU circle to various town in Indonesia. During the year that, UNGU come up almost 100 podium
And after delivering birth nya of first album, emerge UNGU album later on and non-stoped to expand up to moment ,UNGU very good
Manchester United
Manchester United is my club favorite, united is big team with many achievement. early my hobby by united is when seeing game united in TV. that moment is I take a fancy to david beckham and Ryan Giggs, they is Legend in United.
although in the end david beckham move to Real Madrid, but my hobby team be really manchester united hitherto this.this season is united buy one sriker that is Javier Hernandez, he is young attacker of origin meksiko. and so far his game with united enough make a promise.
don't forget also green thumb of coach Sir Alex Ferguson. in buttonhole bringing feather in one's cap for united. he have a lot of dedicating a lot of cup to Old Trafford station United. he also the coach buttonhole capable to make a lot of player interested to play at in just just united, of united able to add cup and non-stoped glorious.
Barge ahead United !!!
although in the end david beckham move to Real Madrid, but my hobby team be really manchester united hitherto this.this season is united buy one sriker that is Javier Hernandez, he is young attacker of origin meksiko. and so far his game with united enough make a promise.
don't forget also green thumb of coach Sir Alex Ferguson. in buttonhole bringing feather in one's cap for united. he have a lot of dedicating a lot of cup to Old Trafford station United. he also the coach buttonhole capable to make a lot of player interested to play at in just just united, of united able to add cup and non-stoped glorious.
Barge ahead United !!!
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