Kamis, 24 Maret 2011


NAMA : Ade Pratama
NPM : 20208026

Text for number 1-3
I’m Ade. My house is big. It is number forty one. It has a big living room. There is a big sofa, an aquarium, a cupboard, and a table in it. My father meets his guest there. I put my bike in the garage. My mother usually cooks in the kitchen.
1. A : How is Ade’s house ?
B : It is …..
a. Small
b. Clean
c. Good
d. Big
Answer ; D
2. A : What number is her house ?
B : It is number …..
a. Forty one
b. Forty two
c. Forty three
d. Forty four
Answer ; A
3. A : Is her mother cooking in the kitchen ?
B : Yes, ……..
a. He is
b. He isn’t
c. She is
d. She isn’t
Answer : C
Text for number 4-6
Going Everywhere By Vehicle
My name is Bide. I go to school by my bicycle. My brother goes to campus by his motorcycle. My father goes to the office by his car. My mother goes to the market by pedicab.my sister goes to the hospital by taxi. My family goes to Jakarta by plane. I go picnic by bus. My cousin “ Tio” goes to semarang by train. Rio goes around the park by cart. So, everybody needs vehicle for going everywhere.
4. How does Bide go to school ?
She goes to school by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Car
c. Cart
d. Motorcycle
Answer ; A
5. How does her brother go to campus ?
He goes to campus by …..
a. Bicycle
b. Motorcycle
c. Car
d. Cart
Answer : B
6. How does Tio go to semarang ?
He goes to semarang by ……….
a. Plane
b. Bus
c. Train
d. Bicyle
Answer : C
Text for number 7-8
Bobby’s Family Like Fruits
I’m Bobby. I am an elementary school student. I am in the third grade. My family likes fruit very much. My family always eat fruits everyday. My father likes banana. My mother likes papaya. My brother “ Bimo “ Like grape. He usually buys grape with my mother in the supermarket. My sister ‘ Bela” Likes Apple. My favorite fruit is Orange. Orange contains of a lot of vitamin C. it is good my body. Eating fruit makes our body healthy.
7. Is bobby is student ?
Yes, ………
a. He is
b. She is
c. He isn’t
d. She isn’t
Answer : A
8. Do his family like fruits ?
….. they do.
a. Yes
b. Yes it is
c. No he does
d. No
Answer : A
Text for number 9-10
My name is Olga. I sleep in my bedroom and take a bath in the bathroom. I put my clothes in the cupboard. My house is number forty three. I go to school by my bicycle. My favorite fruit is grape and apple. I dislike a starfruit.
9. A : What is her favorite fruit ?
B : her favorite fruit is ….
a. Apple
b. Orange
c. Avocado
d. Jackfruit
Answer : A
10. Olga does not like a ….
a. Orange
b. Grape
c. Apple
d. Starfruit
Answer : D

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